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contemporary dance • dance • tribute • documentary • Germany
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Pina - Prime Video | Thespie

After the sudden death of Pina Bausch in the summer of 2009 - in the middle of joint preparations before filming - Wim Wenders, after a period of mourning and reflection, had to rethink and start again with his film about and with Pina Bausch. The film presents extracts from some of the most noted dance pieces by Pina Bausch in the Tanztheater style, of which Bausch was a leading exponent. The extracts are from four pieces: Le sacre du printemps (The Rite of Spring), Café Müller, Kontakthof, and Vollmond. These are complemented with interviews and further choreographies, which were shot in and around Wuppertal, Germany.

  • Duration
    1 hour 43 minutes

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