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A Chorus Line

musical • ambition • ensemble • New York City • nostalgic • showbiz
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  • Prime Video
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A Chorus Line - Prime Video | Thespie
[A Chorus Line] is important because it’s a story about dancers and what we go through every day: The stress and what problems we have, and dealing with it, and living it, and not regretting it, and just living our lives. That’s why it’s so important, because it’s the truth.
- Yuka Takara, Actress

Under the stark white lights of an empty Broadway theatre, a stream of hopefuls audition before Zach, the harsh and critical director of a new musical. There is tension in the air as sixteen are singled out for further auditioning, and as the director and his assistant put the dancers through their paces they begin to relay their lives into word and song.

  • Age guidance
  • Duration
    1 hour 57 minutes

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