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The History Boys

play • 1980s • friendship • Olivier Award Winner • school & university • understated
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  • Audible
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The History Boys - Audible | Thespie

At a boys' grammar school in Sheffield, eight boys are being coached for the Oxbridge entrance exams. It is the mid-eighties, and the main concern of the unruly bunch of bright sixth-formers is getting out, starting university and starting life. At the heart of The History Boys are four characters, each with contrasting outlooks on teaching and school: Hector, an eccentric English teacher with no interest in exams; Irwin, a young supply teacher who sees history as "entertainment"; Mrs. Lintott, a traditionalist, who teaches "history, not histrionics"; and a Headmaster obsessed with results. Staff-room rivalry and the anarchy of adolescence collide in an intensely moving and thought-provoking play.

  • Duration
    2 hours 29 minutes

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