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The Diary of a Hounslow Girl

play • solo show • coming-of-age • culture & heritage • girl power • unapologetic
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  • Audible
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The Diary of a Hounslow Girl - Audible | Thespie

In a deeply moving and warm performance, Ambreen Razia delivers her bold and provocative one-woman play that confronts—and dismantles—stereotypes surrounding Muslim women. Growing up in downscale urban London wearing hoop earrings and a hijab, Shaheeda, the British Muslim teen at the center of The Diary of a Hounslow Girl, balances the expectations of her family and the temptations of city life. Between the joys of traditional Pakistani weddings and fights on the night bus, this comic and raw coming-of-age story highlights her struggle with deep-rooted Pakistani values, and the modern aspirations—and frustrations—of youth

  • Duration
    1 hour 36 minutes

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