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a year ago (26 May only)
Wilt Tickets London - at Chiswick Playhouse | Thespie
  • Chiswick Playhouse
  • Tube stationTurnham Green
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    Henry Wilt, tied to a daft job and a domineering wife, has just been passed over for promotion yet again. Ahead of him at the Polytechnic stretch years of trying to thump literature into the heads of plasterers, joiners, butchers and the like. And things are no better at home where his wife, Eva, is given to boundless and unpredictable fits of enthusiasm - for transcendental meditation, yoga or the trampoline. But if Wilt can do nothing about his job, he realises he can do something about his wife - and as each day passes, his fantasies grow more murderous and more real. Wilt is adapted from the novel of the same name by Tom Sharpe.

    Ticket Info

    • Dates
      26 May only
    • Price
    Direct Purchase from Venue
    • Location
      Chiswick Playhouse
    • Address
      2 Bath Road, Chiswick, London W4 1LW, UK
    * We do our best to provide updated, accurate information, but prices, dates, and production elements are subject to change by the producer or platform. Images may be subject to copyright.